Top 60+ Free Education Blog Commenting Sites 2024

Education Blog Commenting Sites 2023

Education blog commenting is the practice of leaving comments on blog posts related to education. This can be a way to engage with the author and other readers, share your thoughts and ideas, and learn from others. When commenting on education blogs, it's important to follow some best practices:

  • Read the post thoroughly before commenting: Make sure you understand the author's perspective and message before leaving a comment.
  • Keep it relevant: Your comment should be related to the topic of the post and add value to the discussion.
  • Be respectful: Avoid using offensive language or attacking the author or other readers.
  • Provide insights and value: Offer your own insights, experiences, or opinions to add value to the discussion.
  • Use proper grammar and spelling: Make sure your comment is easy to read and understand.
  • Avoid self-promotion: Don't use blog commenting as a way to promote yourself or your business.
  • Engage in a conversation: Respond to other comments and engage in a conversation with the author and other readers.

By following these best practices, you can effectively engage with the education blogging community and contribute to the ongoing conversation about important educational issues.

Who To Find Good Education Blog Commenting

Finding good education blogs for commenting can be a helpful way to engage with the education community, learn from others, and share your own insights and experiences. Here are a few tips for finding good education blogs for commenting:

  • Use search engines: Start by using search engines like Google to search for education blogs. Use keywords like "education blog," "teacher blog," or "education news" to find relevant blogs.
  • Check blog directories: Blog directories like Alltop or Technorati can be a good resource for finding education blogs. These directories categorize blogs by topic, making it easy to find education blogs.
  • Follow social media: Follow education bloggers and influencers on social media platforms like Twitter or LinkedIn. They may share links to their blog posts or other education blogs that they recommend.
  • Attend education conferences: Attend education conferences and network with other educators. They may recommend education blogs that they follow and comment on.
  • Check education websites: Education websites like EdSurge or Education Week often have blogs and opinion sections where educators and experts share their insights and experiences.

Once you've found education blogs that interest you, make sure to read their commenting policies and follow the best practices for leaving comments that I mentioned in my previous response.

Benefits of Education Blog Commenting Backlinks

One potential benefit of education blog commenting is the opportunity to gain backlinks to your own website or blog. Backlinks are links from one website to another, and they can help to improve your website's search engine rankings. Here are a few potential benefits of education blog commenting backlinks:

  • Increased visibility: When you leave comments on education blogs, other readers may see your comment and click through to your website. This can help to increase your visibility and drive traffic to your site.
  • Improved search engine rankings: Backlinks can help to improve your search engine rankings, as search engines like Google view backlinks as a sign of authority and credibility.
  • Targeted traffic: Education blogs are often read by educators and others interested in the education field. By leaving comments on these blogs and linking back to your website, you may be able to attract targeted traffic from a relevant audience.
  • Networking opportunities: Engaging with other educators and bloggers in the education community can help you to build relationships and potentially collaborate on future projects.

It's important to note that while backlinks can be helpful for improving your website's search engine rankings, they should not be the sole focus of your education blog commenting strategy. Instead, focus on leaving thoughtful and relevant comments that add value to the conversation and engage with the education community.

Education Blog Commenting Sites

Here are some education blog commenting sites where you can engage with the education community and leave comments:

  • EdSurge: A popular news and opinion site covering the latest developments in education technology.
  • TeachThought: A blog that focuses on teaching strategies, classroom management, and education theory.
  • Edutopia: A website sponsored by the George Lucas Educational Foundation that features articles and videos on innovative teaching practices.
  • MindShift: A blog that explores the intersection of technology, education, and culture.
  • eSchool News: A news and opinion site covering K-12 education.
  • Education Week: A news and opinion site covering education policy and trends.
  • EdTech Magazine: A website that covers the latest developments in education technology.
  • TeachHUB: A blog that offers teaching tips, lesson plans, and other resources for educators.
  • The Chronicle of Higher Education: A news and opinion site covering higher education.
  • Inside Higher Ed: A news and opinion site covering higher education and academic careers

Remember to always read the blog post carefully before leaving a comment, and make sure your comment is relevant and adds value to the conversation.


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